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AA, Fenton
Abeysuriya, Romesh G.
Agnes, Everton J.
Ahmad, Subutai
Aihara, Kazuyu
Amassian, V
Andras, Peter
Andreassen, Ole A.
Andreou, Andreas G
Andreou, Andreas G.
Andreou, Charalambos M.
Angulo, S
Angulo, S L
Angulo, Sergio
Angulo, Sergio L
Antic, S. D.
Antic, Srdjan
Antic, Srdjan D
Antic, S D
Aquino, Kevin M.
Arbib, MA
Arle, J
Arroyo, David
Asbury, AK
Aton, Sara J.
Avitable, M
BA, Suter
Babichev, Andrey
Babu, KS
Badel, Laurent
Baek, Kwangyeol
Balaguer-Ballester, Emili
Barbour, R
Barbour, R
Barczak, A.
Barczak, A
Barczak, A
Barnett, William H.
Barone, FC
Baroni, Fabiano
Barry, JM
Barry, Jeremy M
Barry, J M
Bartolomei, Fabrice
Bass, B
Bassetto, Giacomo
Benda, Jan
Bennett, Matthew R.
Bergold, P
Bergold, PJ
Bernard, C
Bickel, S.
Bird, Alex D.
Birgiolas, Justas
Blasy, E.
Bobashev, G
Bodis-Wollner, I
Bojak, Ingo
Bonaiuto, JJ
Borisyuk, Roman
Brette, Romain
Briska, AM
Brockmeier, A
Brockmeier, Austin
Brown, Ritchie E.
Brown, Jon
Brust, JC
Bulanova, A S
Bulanova, AS
Bures, J
Burgess, N
Burton, Shawn D.
Cannia, C
Cannon, Robert C
Cantarelli, M
Cantarelli, Matteo
Cantarelli, Matteo
Carmena, J
Carmena, J
Cayco-Gajic, Alex
Chadderdon, G L
Chadderdon, George L
Chadderdon, GL
Chadderdon, George L
Chadderdon, George L.
Chadderdon, George L
Chadderdon, G.L.
Chan, Ho Ka
Chapin, J
Chauhan, Tushar
Chen, Liang
Chen, Robert
Cheng, Cheng
Chintaluri, Chaitanya
Choe, Yoonsuck
Choi, John S.
Choi, Jee Hyun
Choi, J S
Chover, J
Cloherty, Shaun L.
Cobb, S
Cocco, Simona
Conte, C.
Contreras, D
Contreras, D
Cottereau, Benoit R.
Court, Robert
Court, Robert
Crook, Sharon M.
Crook, S
Crook, Sharon
Cserpán, Dorottya
Cui, Yuwei
Culmone, Viviana
Cummings, JL
Cuntz, Hermann
Cutsuridis, V
Dabaghian, Yuri
Dahmen, David
Dasgupta, Sakyasingha
Davey, Neil
Davison, Andrew
de la Rocha, Jaime
De Schutter, Erik
de Weerd, Peter
Deisseroth, Karl
Deisseroth, K
Demkó, László
Denham, Sue
Denham, Susan L.
Denham, S.
Denham, Susan L
Dermutz, Harald
Destexhe, Alain
Destexhe, A
DeVito, Justin
Deyo, S
Diaz-Arrastia, R
Diester, Ilka
Diester, I
DiGregorio, David
Doherty, D. W.
Doherty, Donald
Doherty, D W
Drach, Andrew
Dragoi, Valentin
Draguljić, Danel
Drebitz, Eric
Drongelen, W
Drysdale, Peter M.
Dura-Bernal, S
Dura-Bernal, Salvador
Dura-Bernal, Salvador
Dura-Bernal, S.
Durstewitz, Daniel
Earnshaw, Matt
Earnshaw, Matt
Ebrahim, K
Eggleston, L.
Eguchi, A
Einevoll, Gaute T.
Elices, Irene
Erdemir, Ahmet
Ermentrout, Bard
Ernst, Udo
Espinal, E.
Fall, CP
Fenk, Lisa M.
Fenton, AA
Fenton, A A
Fenton, Andre A
Fenton, A. A.
Ferrari, Ulisse
Ferrario, Andrea
Fesharaki, A
Fietkiewicz, CT
Finkel, L H
Finkel, LH
Forgacs, PB
Forro, Csaba
Fortes, J
Fortes, J
Fouquet, Coralie
Francis, J
Francis, J
Francis, Joseph
Francis, JT
Francis, Joseph T.
Francis, J.T.
Francis, J T
Francis, Joseph T
Francis, Joseph T
Francis, Joseph
Friston, Karl
Fung, Felix
Gabay, Natasha
Gabhann, Feilim Mac
Gao, P
Gao, P. P.
Gao, Peng
Gao, P P
Garbey, M
Gardella, Christophe
Garreau, Guillaume
Garreau, Guillaume
Georgiou, Julius
Georgiou, Julius
Gerkin, Richard C.
Gielen, Stan
Giese, Martin
Gips, Bart
Gizycki, H
Glauser, Tracy
Gleeson, Padraig
Gleeson, Padraig
Gleeson, P
Gleeson, P
Goedeke, Sven
Goethals, Sarah
Goldsworthy, Mitchell R.
Gonçalves, Pedro J.
Goo, Werapong
Goo, W
Goodarzinick, Abdorreza
Graham, J. W.
Graham, BP
Graham, J W
Graham, Joe
Grayden, David B.
Grewe, Jan
Griffith, Erica Y
Griffith, E. Y.
Griffiths, John D.
Grothe, Iris
Guang, Jing
Günay, C
Gutkin, Boris
Guye, Maxime
H, Lee
Haberly, L
Hajs, M
Halnes, Geir
Hamade, Khaldoun
Han, Dongqi
Han, Hio-Been
Haueisen, Jens
Hawkins, Jeff
He, Hu
Helias, Moritz
Hellman, KM
Henzi, Thomas
Hermoso-Mendizabal, Ainhoa
Hilscher, MM
Hilscher, Markus M
Hines, Michael L
Hines, M L
Hines, Michael L
Hines, M
Hines, M .
Hines, M
Hines, Michael
Hines, M. L.
Hines, Michael L.
Hines, Michael L
Hines, ML
Hines, Michael
Ho, JS
Hof, Patrick R.
Holland, Katherine
Holmes, William R.
Hong, Sungho
Hordacre, Brenton
Horner, Marc
Huang, Haiping
Hunt, Anthony
Hunt, C A
Hwang, Eunjin
Hyafil, Alexandre
Iannella, Nicolangelo
Ibbotson, Michael R.
Ibrahimovic, Emina
Idili, Giovanni
Idili, Giovanni
Iordanou, J
Jacobs, K M
Jacobs, KM
Jaeger, D
Jang, R
Jaramillo, Santiago
Javitt, DC
Javitt, D
Javitt, D C
Jensen, Ole
Jeong, Jaeseung
Jester, JM
Jeżek, Karel
Ji, S
Jirsa, Viktor
Johnson, Don H.
Jones, EG
Jones, S. R.
Joo, Pangyu
Josić, Kresimir
Jozwicka, AE
Ju, Huiwen
Jung, Ranu
Jung, JQ
Jung, Jeeyune Q
Kabariti, Joseph J
Kahng, B.
Kalanithi, Paul
Kalanithi, P
Kameneva, Tatiana
Kao, HY
Kapur, A
Kawato, Mitsuo
Kazama, Hokto
Kedziora, David J
Kedziora, D J
Kedziora, David J.
Kelemen, E
Keller, Daniel
Kelley, Craig
Kelley, C.
Kennedy, Henry
Kerr, Cliff C.
Kerr, Cliff C.
Kerr, Cliff
Kerr, C C
Kerr, CC
Kerr, Cliff C
Kerr, C
Kerr, Cliff C
Kerr, C.
Kerr, Cliff
Ketchum, K
Kilpatrick, Zachary P.
Kim, Bowon
Kim, DaeEun
Kim, Taegyo
Kim, Tae
Kim, Hoon-Hee
Kim, Chang Sub
Kim, Jae Kyoung
Kim, Jimin
Kim, Anmo J.
Klassen, TL
Kleberg, Florence I.
Knösche, Thomas R.
Knox, Andrew T
Knox, A
Koren, Veronika
Koukouli, Fani
Kramer, MA
Kreiter, Andreas
Kristan, WB
Kruscha, Alexandra
Ku, Joy P
Kubie, J L
Kubík, S
Kundu, Prantik
Kunze, Tim
Kuravi, Pradeep
L, Haberly
Lakatos, Peter
Lakatos, P
Lakatos, P
Lakatos, P.
Larson, Stephen
Larson, Stephen
Latorre, Roberto
Laughlin, ML
Lazarewicz, MT
Lazarewicz, M T
Leahy, Will
Lee, HY
Lee, Sung-beom
Lee, Heekyung
Lee, GJ
Lee, H
Lee, HK
Lee, Do-won
Lee, Ji-yong
Lenck-Santini, PP
Levi, Rafael
Lewis, Marcus
Li, K
Li, Kan
Liedtke, Joscha
Lin, Zhongwei
Lin, Xiaohan
Lin, Z
Lindner, Benjamin
Lipton, P
Lisitsyn, Dmitriy
Lochmann, Timm
Lowet, Eric
Ludvig, N
Luebke, Jennifer
Lueckmann, Jan-Matthis
Lytton, William
Lytton, William W.
Lytton, WW
Lytton, and William W
Lytton, William W
Lytton, William W.
Lytton, W W
Lytton, W. W.
Lytton, William W
Lytton, W.
M, Ding
Ma, Hailin
Macdougal, R A
Macke, Jakob H.
MacLaurin, James
MacLean, Jason N.
Maimon, Gaby
Majumdar, A
Majumdar, Amit
Mäki-Marttunen, Tuomo
Mandon, Sunita
Manning, KA
Marczak, Annamaria
Marin, Boris
Marin, Boris
Markin, Sergey
Markowitz, N.
Marmarelis, VZ
Marre, Olivier
Marsalek, Petr
Marucci, Lucia
Maskos, Uwe
Masquelier, Timothée
Mathew, A.M.
Matsunaga, A
Maturana, Matias I.
McCarley, Robert W.
McColl, R
McDonald, WI
McDonnell, Mark D.
Mcdougal, R A
McDougal, Robert A
McDougal, Robert A
McDougal, Robert A
McDougal, RA
Mcdougal, R
McDougal, Robert A.
McDougal, Robert
McDougal, Robert
Mcdougal, R. A.
McDougal, Robert A.
McGinnis, Tammy
Mcginnis, T
Mcginnis, T.
McGinnis, T
McKenna, James T.
McKhann, GM
Mclauchlan, C
McLauchlan, Campbell
Meffin, Hamish
Mehta-Pandejee, Grishma
Mejias, Jorge F.
Memmesheimer, Raoul-Martin
Menzies, R J
Menzies, Rosemary J.
Menzies, Rosemary J.
Merrison-Hort, Robert
Metzner, Christoph
Mi, Yuanyuan
Migliore, M
Miyazaki, K
Mo, J
Moezzi, Bahar
Mohan, A
Mohan, A
Molkov, Yaroslav I.
Monasson, Rémi
Montlibert, Alexandre
Moon, Seok-hyun
Mora, Thierry
Moreno, H
Moreno, Herman
Morris, Laurel S.
Morse, TM
Moulin, Thiago
Moulin, TC
Muller, RU
Müller, Martin
Mulugeta, Lealem
Murray, John D.
Mutai, V
Mutai, V K
Myers, Jerry G
Neville, K
Newton, A J H
Newton, A. J. H.
Newton, Adam JH
Newton, A
Newton, Adam J. H.
Newton, AJH
Neymotin, S.
Neymotin, S
Neymotin, Samuel A.
Neymotin, Samuel
Neymotin, Samuel A
Neymotin, S A
Neymotin, Samuel
Neymotin, Samuel A
Neymotin, S. A.
Neymotin, SA
Niry, Mohammad D.
Nishikawa, Isao
Nonnenmacher, Marcel
Nowotny, Thomas
O'Connell, N
O'Connell, Noelle
O'Connell, MN
O'Laughlin, ML
O'Shea, Daniel J
O'Shea, Daniel J.
O'Shea, DJ
Obermayer, Klaus
Oconnell, M N
Oconnell, M. N.
Ognjanovski, Nicolette
Ohta, Kazumi
Olmi, Simona
Olypher, AO
Olypher, A V
Olypher, A
Olypher, Andrey V
Olypher, AV
Omurtag, A
Orman, R
Ouyang, Guang
Paliotta, C
Palmer, S. E.
Palmer, Stephanie E.
Pariz, Aref
Park, Eunhye
Park, E.
Park, EH
Parsi, Shervin S.
Pataory, M
Patoary, Mohammad Nazrul Ish
Patoary, Mohammand Nazrul Ish
Patoary, M N I
Patoary, Mohammand Nazrul Ish
Patoary, MN
Pearce, R
Perotti, Luca
Peters, A
Petkoski, Spase
Pettersen, Klas H.
Pfaff, Donald
Pfister, Jean-Pascal
Piasini, Eugenio
Plogmacher, Lukas
Podlaski, William F.
Podlaski, William
Poirazi, Panayiota
Pollonini, Luca
Popovic, Milos
Popp, Pamela Osborn
Posani, Lorenzo
Postnov, Dmitry E.
Poucet, B
Prasad, A
Principe, Jose
Principe, JC
Principe, J
Principe, J
Prins, N
Prinz, AA
Prinz, A A
Prinz, Astrid A
Przekwas, A.
Przekwas, Andrzej
Przekwas, A
Psarrou, Maria
Quintana, Adrian
Quintana, A
Quintana, Adrian
Ramsey, Julia
Ranjan, Rajnish
Rankin, James
Rennie, Chris J.
Reyes, Amy
Rho, Young-Ah
Ridding, Michael C.
Rinzel, John
Roach, James P.
Robbe, David
Roberts, Patrick
Roberts, Mark J.
Robinson, Peter A.
Robinson, PA
Robinson, Peter A
Robinson, P A
Rodriguez, Francisco B.
Rodriguez, F
Rodriguez, Facundo
Rooy, Marie
Rosay, Sophie
Rosenthal, J J C
Ross, W N
Ross, D
Rowan, MS
Rowan, M
Rueda-Orozco, Pavel E.
Rumbell, Timothy
Rupp, André
Rybak, Ilya A.
SA, Neymotin
Sadeh, Sadra
Salvador, Dura-Bernal
Sanchez, J
Sanchez, J
Sander, Edward A
Sander, Leonard M.
Sanger, TD
Sanger, Terence D
Sanjay, M
Santos, Filipa Dos
Sanz-Leon, Paula
Sarkar, Somwrita
Schaff, JC
Schaworonkow, Natalie
Schilstra, Maria
Schottdorf, Manuel
Schroeder, CE
Schuecker, Jannis
Schürmann, F
Schwaber, J
Schwaller, Beat
Schweikard, Achim
Sederberg, Audrey J.
Seeholzer, Alexander
Seidenstein, A
Seidenstein, A H
Seidenstein, Alexandra H.
Seidenstein, Alexandra H.
Seidenstein, AH
Seidenstein, Alexandra
Sejnowski, TJ
Sekulić, Vladislav
Selesnick, I
Senn, Walter
Sepulchre, Rodolphe
Sharpee, Tatyana O.
Shenoy, Krishna
Shenoy, KV
Shenoy, Krishna V
Sheperd, G M G
Shepherd, Gordon MG
Shepherd, Gordon M. G.
Shepherd, G. M.
Shepherd, Gordon
Shepherd, GMG
Shepherd, Gordon MG
Shepherd, G M
Shepherd, G M G
Shepherd, GM
Sherif, M A
Sherif, Mohamed A
Sherif, M
Sherif, MA
Sherif, Mohamed A
Shlizerman, Eli
Silver, Angus
Silver, Angus
Silver, Angus
Sivagnanam, Subhashini
Sivagnanam, S.
Sivagnanam, S
Sivagnanam, S
Skilling, Quinton M.
Skinner, Frances K.
Skinner, Frances
Skolnick, Yosef
Skolnick, Y
Skolnick, YS
Skosnik, P
Smit, Daniel
Smolinski, Tomasz G.
Smolinski, TG
Sober, SJ
Soh, Jaehyun
Soltesz, I
Somogyvári, Zoltán
Song, W
Sprecher, Simon
Staley, K
Stark, JM
Steriade, M
Steuber, Volker
Stewart, M
Steyn-Ross, Alistair
Steyn-Ross, Moira L.
Strain, JF
Stringer, SM
Suarez, Manuel D
Sugi, Adam
Suter, B A
Suter, Benjamin A
Suter, B. A.
Suter, Benjamin A
Suter, Benjamin
Suter, BA
Suter, Benjamin A.
Sutula, TP
Syed, NA
Tabas, Alejandro
Talakoub, Omid
Talbot, ZN
Tam, Nicoladie D.
Tamagnini, Francesco
Taxin, ZH
Teka, Wondimu
Tekin, R.
Tekin, Ramazan
Tenney, Jeffrey
Tepper, Ángeles
Terman, D
Tezuka, Taro
Thomas, E
Torben-Nielsen, Benjamin
Torres, Joaquin J.
Toutounji, Hazem
Transtrum, Mark K
Trembleau, Alain
Treves, Alessandro
Triesch, Jochen
Trimble, MR
Tropper, Carl
Tropper, C
Tropper, C
Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira
Tsuchimoto, Yoshiko
Turtzo, LC
Uhlrich, D
Uhlrich, DJ
Ulinski, P
Urban, Nathaniel N.
Vadigepalli, Rajanikanth
Vadigepalli, R
Valizadeh, Alireza
van Albada, Sacha J.
Van Albada, Sacha J
van Albada, SJ
Van Albada, S J
van der Eerden, Jan
Van Pottelbergh, Tomas
Varona, Pablo
Vayntrub, Y
Verduzco-Flores, Sergio
Verisokin, Andrey Yu
Verveyko, Darya V.
Vida, I
Viriyopase, Atthaphon
Vogels, Rufin
Vogels, Tim P.
Vogels, Tim
Von Gizycki, G
Von Kraus, L
Voon, Valerie
Vörös, János
Wang, Xiao-Jing
Wang, Sheng-Jun
Wang, Yuzhe
Warburton, Julia M.
Wathey, John C.
Wathey, JC
Weaver, Christina M.
Wennekers, Thomas
Wennekers, Thomas
Wennekers, T.
Wernle, Tanja
Wester, JC
Wickens, Jeffery R.
Widmer, Yves
Williams, ST
Wilson, David P.
Wójcik, Daniel K.
Wolf, Fred
Womack, KB
Wong, K. Y. Michael
Wong, Willy
Wu, Si
WW, Lytton
Xu, Zhiheng
Xue, JT
Yamada, Yasunori
Yamamura, Yoriko
Yamasaki, DS
Yang, Huei-Fang
Yang, Xu
Yao, Y
Yao, Yiping
Yoo, Minsu
Yu, Yuguo
Yu, Jiao
Zapotocky, Martin
Zeki, M
Zhang, Mingsha
Zhang, W
Zhao, Chang
Zhao, Xuelong
Zhongwei, L
Zhongwei, Lin
Zhou, X
Zhou, Xianlian
Zhou, Xianlian
Zhou, Changsong
Zhu, JJ
Zinyuk, LE
Zochowski, Michal
Zochowski, Michal R.
Zouridakis, George
Zurowski, Bartosz
Conference Paper
Journal Article
Book Chapter
Conference Proceedings
Web Article
Tags - 17(Suppl 1):P103
Tags - 17(Suppl 1):P104
Tags - 17(Suppl 1):P105
Tags - 17(Suppl 1):P60
Tags - 18(Suppl 1):O20
Tags - 19(suppl 2):P205
Tags - 19(suppl 2):P236
Tags - 19(suppl 2):P267
Tags - 19(suppl 2):P268
Tags - 19(suppl 2):P269
Tags - 19(suppl 2):P270
Tags - 2007
Tags - 2010
Tags - 2012
Tags - 2013
Tags - 2014
Tags - 2016
Tags - 2017
Tags - 2018
Tags - 2019
Tags - A1
Tags - Alzheimer's disease
Tags - auditory cortex
Tags - behaviorally-relevant memories
Tags - bidirectional interaction
Tags - binding
Tags - biological realism
Tags - Biological system modeling
Tags - biomechanics
Tags - biomimetic learning algorithms
Tags - biomimetic neuronal modeling
Tags - biomimetics
Tags - BMC
Tags - BMC Neuroscience
Tags - BMC Neuroscience 2016
Tags - BMC Neuroscience 2017
Tags - BMC Neuroscience 2018
Tags - BMM signaling neural excitation
Tags - Brain modeling
Tags - brain-computer interfaces
Tags - brain-machine interfaces
Tags - Calbindin
Tags - Calcium
Tags - Calcium homeostasis
Tags - Calcium imaging
Tags - circuits
Tags - CNS
Tags - cognition
Tags - Computational modeling
Tags - computational neuroscience
Tags - computer model of epilepsy
Tags - Computer Simulation
Tags - dendritic
Tags - discrete event calcium wave model
Tags - drive mirroring motion
Tags - dynamic constraints
Tags - full closed-loop biomimetic brain-effector system
Tags - genome-wide
Tags - glutamate
Tags - Ions
Tags - joint angles
Tags - Joints
Tags - kinematics
Tags - Learning (artificial intelligence)
Tags - learning sensorimotor control
Tags - limb position information
Tags - Mathematical model
Tags - mechanistic modeling
Tags - mechanoception
Tags - medical robotics
Tags - model sharing
Tags - modeling
Tags - modeling and simulations
Tags - motor control system
Tags - motor task
Tags - multiscale
Tags - multiscale modeling
Tags - multiscale thalamocortical model
Tags - muscle
Tags - muscle fiber length
Tags - Muscles
Tags - neocortical mechanism
Tags - network connectomics
Tags - networks
Tags - neural decoder
Tags - neural nets
Tags - neuronal
Tags - Neurons
Tags - neurophysiology
Tags - Neurosim Gsuite/Conference Proceedings/CNS Abstracts
Tags - Neurosim Gsuite/Conference Proceedings/New Proceedings
Tags - NSM
Tags - NTW
Tags - oscillations
Tags - parallel stochastic discrete event simulation
Tags - Patch clamp
Tags - PDES
Tags - personalized and precision medicine
Tags - physiological models
Tags - plateau potential
Tags - polygenic epilepsy
Tags - prosthetic control
Tags - prosthetics
Tags - rate code
Tags - reach-to-target
Tags - real-time devices
Tags - real-time systems
Tags - realistic movement
Tags - realistic musculoskeletal arm model
Tags - realistic proprioceptive information
Tags - reusability
Tags - SFN
Tags - sfn 2019
Tags - simulation
Tags - Simulation-Based Medical Education
Tags - Society for Neuroscience
Tags - Spreading depression
Tags - Stochastic processes
Tags - Stroke
Tags - Subiculum
Tags - UP state
Tags - verification and validation
Tags - ]2018
Alzheimer's disease
auditory cortex
behaviorally-relevant memories
bidirectional interaction
biological realism
Biological system modeling
biomimetic learning algorithms
biomimetic neuronal modeling
BMC Neuroscience
BMC Neuroscience 2016
BMC Neuroscience 2017
BMC Neuroscience 2018
BMM signaling neural excitation
Brain modeling
brain-computer interfaces
brain-machine interfaces
Calcium homeostasis
Calcium imaging
Computational modeling
computational neuroscience
computer model of epilepsy
Computer Simulation
discrete event calcium wave model
drive mirroring motion
dynamic constraints
full closed-loop biomimetic brain-effector system
joint angles
Learning (artificial intelligence)
learning sensorimotor control
limb position information
Mathematical model
mechanistic modeling
medical robotics
model sharing
modeling and simulations
motor control system
motor task
multiscale modeling
multiscale thalamocortical model
muscle fiber length
neocortical mechanism
network connectomics
neural decoder
neural nets
parallel stochastic discrete event simulation
Patch clamp
personalized and precision medicine
physiological models
plateau potential
polygenic epilepsy
prosthetic control
rate code
real-time devices
real-time systems
realistic movement
realistic musculoskeletal arm model
realistic proprioceptive information
sfn 2019
Simulation-Based Medical Education
Society for Neuroscience
Spreading depression
Stochastic processes
UP state
verification and validation
Found 1 results
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Lytton, WW.
From Computer to Brain