Embedded ensemble encoding: A hypothesis for reconciling cortical coding strategies

TitleEmbedded ensemble encoding: A hypothesis for reconciling cortical coding strategies
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsGraham, J. W., Angulo S., Gao P. P., Dura-Bernal S., Sivagnanam S., Hines M.., Antic S. D., & Lytton WW.
Conference NameSociety for Neuroscience 2018 (SFN '18)
KeywordsSFN, Society for Neuroscience

Applying glutamate near basal dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons has been shown experimentally to activate AMPA and NMDA receptors, which can result in dendritic plateau potentials: long-lasting depolarizations in the dendrites which spread into the soma, bringing the cell closer to the spiking threshold and reducing the membrane time constant. When in such a ``